UX Matters: Windows Mail

UX Matters: Windows Mail

I need to give some tough criticism here. The Mail app in Windows 10 is so unreliable that it really diminishes the perception of reliability for the entire operating system. I have for so long wished that I could write a blog post about the virtues of using it for all the great shell integration, but I can’t.

Simple Android Tricks: Tear-away Shortcuts

Simple Android Tricks: Tear-away Shortcuts

For more than a few versions now, Android has had what essentially amounts to a "right click" menu on app icons. But did you know you can also tear-off those comments to make more direct shortcuts for next time?
4K@60Hz with Surface Dock

4K@60Hz with Surface Dock

Although the Surface Dock doesn’t have standard DisplayPorts or HDMI, it does have two Mini-DisplayPorts, and ostensibly supports a single 4K-resolution display at a 60 Hz refresh rate. Actually achieving that frame rate can be frustrating and difficult. Here’s how I did it.

Automating IE With PowerShell to Capture Screenshots

Automating IE With PowerShell to Capture Screenshots

My, browsers come and go so quickly these days. Microsoft’s replacement for Internet Explorer is already shuttered now that they’ve joined the Chromium open-source project to produce Edge using that codebase. And as much as I’m all here for that, it can still be handy to have Internet Explorer–especially when you can control it programatically from PowerShell.